It is a legitimate question for outdoor users. What kind of cookware should they choose for their expeditions in the wilderness? What cookware will help them be prepared for whatever Mother Nature decides to throw at them? Of course “cookware” is to be understood in the broadest sense, and include pots, cups, cutlery, plates, bowls, any utensils used by outdoor people for cooking or drinking.
Let’s state the obvious.
First: In wilderness survival, every scenario is unpredictable and demands adaptability.
Second: in the event of such a scenario, adaptability, creativity, and determination are the name of the game, and the participants/victims of such events should use whatever is around them and make the best of it.

However, high-quality material significantly reduces the amount of adversity one will have to endure. Here are the questions to ask before choosing survival cookware.
Regardless of the type of wildernesses you like to explore, making a fire is one of the first requirements of survival. Fire is needed to stay hydrated, cook, kill dangerous bacteria, get warmer, and get comfort. If you use material, like plastic or wood dishes, that obviously can’t go over a fire, you don't have survival-grade cookware, sorry! One should be able to drop their cup or spork into a hot burning campfire without a second thought!
Can it survive the humps and bumps of the trail? Can it be crammed into a backpack and not break? Any kind of metal answers positively those questions, yet not all of them would qualify, because they also need to be lightweight enough.
Sure, you may be able to envision survival scenarios where you don’t have to move much, but likely, in a wilderness setting, some mobility will be needed. And of course, for any kind of wilderness tripping, mobility is the very nature of the adventure. Of course, you can cook a lot of delicious meals in a cast iron skillet, but it weighs a ton, do you actually want to carry it in a backpack?
Can you make a fairly strong snow shovel with your pot? Can you dig dirt with it? Can you carry fire in it? Can you sharpen your cooking utensil on a rock? In other words, if push comes to shove, can you use your cookware for things other than cooking or drinking? Consider its multi-purposeness, it could be vital in a survival situation.
What cookware material qualifies as survival-grade equipment ? In our opinion any type of plastics is disqualified, although light plastics are not strong enough and can’t go over a campfire. Only metal cookware should be considered as “survival-grade.” Forget cast iron, too heavy. For its extreme durability stainless steel could be considered. Although a bit heavy, it is good for fixed base camps or wilderness travel where there are means of transportation involved. Aluminium could be considered too, because it is light, however it is not as tough as other options. For us, at Cook’n’Escape, we believe that titanium cookware offers the best compromise for wilderness survival: lighter than stainless and stronger than aluminium.
Explore more: Is a cup essential to a survival kit?