Shipping Policy
Shipping policy
Estimated Shipping Timelines
For standard shipping, orders will typically arrive 3-4 business days from the date of shipment.
Free Shipping Offers
If your order exceeds a certain amount, as periodically advertised on our sites, you may qualify for free shipping. For example, we may offer free shipping on orders over $49. Free shipping offers are applied to the order total after any promotions or credits are applied. If this option is available, you will see it advertised on our sites and the available free shipping method will be pre-selected at checkout for your convenience.
Exclusions from Estimated Shipping Timelines and Free Shipping Offers
Estimated Shipping Timelines and Free Shipping Offers do not apply to:
- Products shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, and international orders
- PO boxes & APO addresses
- Pre-orders or back orders
- Items that must be sent by ground or freight because they are oversized, hazardous, or flammable as identified on the product page. (Examples include complete bikes, bike frames, bike wheels, travel cases, ABS airbag packs or cylinders, kayaks, kayak trailers, SUP boards, surfboards, crash pads, cargo boxes, car racks, truck bed storage, indoor bike trainers, rooftop tents, and items containing lithium batteries.)
Shipping Restrictions by Location
We can’t ship certain products to some locations because of local regulatory restrictions or restrictions from our Brand Partners. Please go to This Page to see a list of all brands we cannot ship outside the United States.
Shipping Restrictions by Delivery Method
Certain hazardous or flammable products, like those containing lithium batteries or compressed air, can only be shipped via ground delivery and are only able to be shipped to the contiguous United States, they cannot be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, any US Territories, or Internationally.
Certain oversized items can only be shipped via freight. Oversized Freight items include, but are not limited to complete bikes, bike frames, bike wheels, travel cases, kayaks, kayak trailers, SUP boards, surfboards, crash pads, cargo boxes, car racks, truck bed storage, indoor bike trainers, and rooftop tents. For products with these restrictions, only available shipping options will surface at checkout. Freight items can only be shipped to the contiguous United States, they cannot be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, any US Territories, or Internationally.